I have an ASP.NET 4.5 website and I want to deploy it to SharePoint 2013 using Visual Studio 2012. How to do this? Can someone please explain this process in detail if possible.
2 Answers
You can choose creating and deploying on-premises provider-hosted app for SharePoint. In this you can use can deploy a provider hosted app to redirect users to your site. For details check :
Another option would be you can convert you asp.net site package to Sharepoint deployment package. You can follow the step from here :
All is same as local IIS deployment.
Just need to modify web.config
by adding some settings in appsettings
section as follows:
- add key="isDeploy" value="true"/>
- add key="FTPServer" value="ipAddressOfServer"/>
- add key="PortNumber" value="portnumber"/>
- add key="FTPUserName" value="yourremotemachinename"/>
- add key="FTPPassword" value="yourpasswordofremoteconnection"/>