I have two document libraries on the same web, and am wanting to move the files from one to the other using JSOM/CSOM.

Can anyone please shed some light on how to do this?


2 Answers 2


Thanks for the help with this, though for my use case the answer was a bit more simple. Here is the code I used to move files from one document library to another (on the same web)

function moveFiles(sourceLib, destLib){

var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
var folderSrc = web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl(sourceLib);
    function() {
        console.log("Got the source folder right here!");
        var files = folderSrc.get_files();
        var e = files.getEnumerator();
        var dest = []; //Just to check it got the file path right
        while (e.moveNext()) {
            var file = e.get_current();
            var destLibUrl = destLib + "/" + file.get_name();
            dest.push(destLibUrl); //delete this when we're happy we got the file paths right
            file.moveTo(destLibUrl, SP.MoveOperations.overwrite);
        console.log(dest); //delete this when we're happy we got the file paths right
        context.executeQueryAsync(function() { console.log("Files moved successfully!");}, function(sender, args) {console.log("error: ") + args.get_message()});
    function(sender, args){console.log("Sorry, something messed up: " + args.get_message());}


var srcLibrary = 'Temp Library';
var destLibrary = 'Pages';

moveFiles(srcLibrary, destLibrary);
  • Can I get the file object after move operation(after file moved successfully)? Want to refresh some fields for this file..
    – Gennady G
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 14:09

Use following code to copy documents :

public static void CopyDocuments(string srcUrl, string destUrl, string srcLibrary, string destLibrary, Login _login)
        // set up the src client
        SP.ClientContext srcContext = new SP.ClientContext(srcUrl);
        srcContext.AuthenticationMode = SP.ClientAuthenticationMode.FormsAuthentication;
        srcContext.FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo = new SP.FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo(_login.UserName, _login.Password);

        // set up the destination context (in your case there is no needs to create a new context, because it would be the same library!!!!)
        SP.ClientContext destContext = new SP.ClientContext(destUrl);
        destContext.AuthenticationMode = SP.ClientAuthenticationMode.FormsAuthentication;
        destContext.FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo = new SP.FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo(_login.UserName, _login.Password);

        // get the list and items
        SP.Web srcWeb = srcContext.Web;
        SP.List srcList = srcWeb.Lists.GetByTitle(srcLibrary);
        SP.ListItemCollection col = srcList.GetItems(new SP.CamlQuery());

        // get the new list
        SP.Web destWeb = destContext.Web;

        foreach (var doc in col)
                if (doc.FileSystemObjectType == SP.FileSystemObjectType.File)
                    // get the file
                    SP.File f = doc.File;

                    // build new location url
                    string nLocation = destWeb.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + destLibrary.Replace(" ", "") + "/" + f.Name;

                    // read the file, copy the content to new file at new location
                    SP.FileInformation fileInfo = SP.File.OpenBinaryDirect(srcContext, f.ServerRelativeUrl);
                    SP.File.SaveBinaryDirect(destContext, nLocation, fileInfo.Stream, true);

                if (doc.FileSystemObjectType == SP.FileSystemObjectType.Folder)
                    // load the folder

                    // get the folder data, get the file collection in the folder
                    SP.Folder folder = srcWeb.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(doc.FieldValues["FileRef"].ToString());
                    SP.FileCollection fileCol = folder.Files;

                    // load everyting so we can access it

                    foreach (SP.File f in fileCol)
                        // load the file

                        string[] parts = null;
                        string id = null;

                        if (srcLibrary == "My Files")
                            // these are doc sets
                            parts = f.ServerRelativeUrl.Split('/');
                            id = parts[parts.Length - 2];
                            id = folder.Name;

                        // build new location url
                        string nLocation = destWeb.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + destLibrary.Replace(" ", "") + "/" + id + "/" + f.Name;

                        // read the file, copy the content to new file at new location
                        SP.FileInformation fileInfo = SP.File.OpenBinaryDirect(srcContext, f.ServerRelativeUrl);
                        SP.File.SaveBinaryDirect(destContext, nLocation, fileInfo.Stream, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log("File Error = " + ex.ToString());

For jaavscript you can use SPServices JS library. Code for moving with the metadata is here: Copy document from one site to another

For more details:


  • Thanks for that, but I'm not very familiar with C# (CSOM) and also realise that there are a few methods that are not available to JSOM. Anyone generous enough to translate this into JS? Thanks
    – BStCroix
    Commented Sep 4, 2014 at 11:28
  • 2
    Updated the answer with javascript code. sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/91210/…
    – Aanchal
    Commented Sep 4, 2014 at 12:57
  • You should not supposed to modify the Document Library name: destLibrary.Replace(" ", "") should be destLibrary. It works now.
    – Jebastin J
    Commented Mar 8, 2018 at 16:22

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