I'm trying to retrieve specific data value by id from other page on my site by using query ajax.

by debugging on Chrome canary i have seen that I'm getting all the page data on dataAll ,and than its throwing me an error on line dataVal=$(dataAll).find('#counter').text();

also i don't want to use $("#div1").load("demo_test.txt"); method .

the error :

 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentElement' of null 

I'm using it on Content Editor web part for implement my script

    <script type="text/javascript" src="~/SiteAssets/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
 var value;
 var dataVal;
 var dataAll;
    value = $('div[id="cl"]').length;
                        alert("HELLO WORLD! " + value);

            {url: '~/Forms/view1.aspx',
                success: function(dataAll) 
                //  }
                 error: function(){





<div id="counte">  <div>

<button id="cl">Click Me</button>   


thank you very much

1 Answer 1


The error you are getting (I presume) is a side affect of the problem... YOu have a few miss-matched curly braces... I found this quickly just by copying your code and pasting it into a code editor... it highlighted the syntax issues...

Try this:



        value = $('div[id="cl"]').length;

            alert("HELLO WORLD! " + value);

            url: '~/Forms/view1.aspx',  // are you sure this is working?
            success: function(dataAll){

                alert("AJAX SUCCESS: " + dataAll); // remove after you get it working


                // remove the IF below after you get it working
                if (!dataVal.length) { alert("#counter NOT FOUND in /Forms/view1.aspx!"); return; }

                dataVal = dtaaVal.text(); 


            error: function(){




This revised code is enclosed in a IIFE and scopes the $ variable to be local and pointed at jQuery... It also includes a few alert()'s to give you more hints at possible problems.


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