I've installed the file connector sample from MS (link).
Everything seems ok and the search is working well. But I can't get the FileType refiner working.
What I've done yet:
Changed the mime type recognition in MyFile.cs from hardcoded values (text and unknown) to System.Web.MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(fi.Name);
- No other changes
Result: FileType is always txt
- Changed PropsetId in MyFileNamingContainer.cs to "Business Data"-Category PropsetId (without that, no crawled properties are created, because hardcoded PropsetId is unknown in my system)
- FullCrawl
- Mapped "Return.Extension" crawled property to "FileType" managed property
Result: FileType is "txt docx" for a docx-File
- try (now a little bit desperate):
- Added "MimeTypeField" and "MimeType" to StreamAccessor method instance (Because nowhere in SharePoint code these properties are used, I wasn't hopeful that this will work.)
- FullCrawl
Result: Nothing changed. FileType "txt"
Has somebody an advise for me how to find whats going wrong?
Thanks in advance.