Using SharePoint 2010, is there a way to append the URL for a page so that it will display in a specific language despite what the user has their languages preferences set to?

For example, I want to link from a French HTML page to the French version of a SharePoint page. Right now, if the user's settings are for English, the SharePoint page will come up in English. Is there a way to force it to show the french page? Some bit that is added to the URL?

2 Answers 2


I've never heard of an OOTB query string parameter to do this.

The blog post Change current UI locale using query string parameter in Sharepoint shows how to accomplish this using a customization based on an HTTP handler.

But that doesn't help if you can't deploy custom code to your farm.

  • No, I am just an end user in web publishing.
    – Ferkner
    Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 15:25

At least in embed codes, you can add locale to the URL to achieve this, e.g.:

At the end of src, add &locale=fr-ca for French Canada.

<iframe src="https://sharepoint.com/sites/Eventrecordings/_layouts/15/embed.aspx?UniqueId=SomeUniqueId&embed=someEmbedCode&referrer=StreamWebApp&referrerScenario=EmbedDialog.Create&locale=fr-ca" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen title="Stream Title"></iframe>

If you don't know which locale code to use, go to https://www.microsoft.com/ and switch the language using the region switcher at the bottom of the page:

region switcher on microsoft.com website

After selecting a region, it will show up in your browser address bar:

ja-jp locale on microsoft.com in browser address bar

This is the code you must use in the locale parameter in your URL, e.g.:

&locale=ja-jp for Japanese

This also works for me for the stream's web page itself.

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