I am in process preparing an OS image for re-image of 10k+ workstations. As part of the image, I am attempting to include an optimized copy of Internet Explorer 11 for use with SharePoint 2010. These are the following add-ins I would like to include. Am I missing, forgetting, or applying something that is incompatible?
Internet Explorer Add-Ins
SharePoint OpenDocuments Class
"ActiveX control that enables users of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 to create documents based on a specified template, or to edit documents using their associated applications."
When a page that contains a view of a document library opens, code in the file OWS.js determines whether Microsoft Office is installed and, if it is, instantiates the control."
This control is defined in the OWSSUPP.dll file, a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is installed in the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ directory on the client computer during Microsoft Office Setup.
- Verified http://bit.ly/1pbizgT (MSDN)
SharePoint OpenXMLDocuments
"An ActiveX control that enables users of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 to create XML documents or forms based on a specified template, or to edit XML documents or forms using their associated applications."
Unknown if Office is required for control instantiation. InfoPath is mentioned: One implementation of this control is defined in inlaunch.dll, a dynamic link-library (DLL) that is installed on the client computer during Microsoft InfoPath 2010 Setup.
http://bit.ly/1tx1jny (MSDN)
SharePoint ExportDatabaseLauncher
An ActiveX control that enables a user to create or open a database that contains data from a list in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation
When a page that contains a view of a list opens, the _ExportToDatabase function is called, which is defined in the OWS.js file. This function creates the control on the page and exports the list.
This control is defined in OWSSUPP.dll, a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is installed in the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ directory on the client computer during Microsoft Office 2010 Setup.
Verified http://bit.ly/1p86cQ1 (MSDN)
SharePoint SpreadsheetLauncher
An ActiveX control that enables a user to import lists from spreadsheets, or to verify whether a compatible spreadsheet application is available for list export in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation
When a user clicks Export to Excel on the List Tools ribbon on a page that contains a list, the EnsureSSImporter function in INIT.js is called to verify that a version of the control is present on the client. Then the ExportList function in OWS.js is called to export the list.
Verified http://bit.ly/1kRj3oh (MSDN)
SharePoint Stssync Handler
An ActiveX control that provides a method for returning the name of the application that is used to synchronize events lists and contacts lists in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 with a messaging application such as Microsoft Outlook 2010.
This control is defined in the OWSSUPP.dll file, a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is installed in the Local_Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE14 directory on the client computer during Microsoft Office Setup
Verfied http://bit.ly/1nc7Y5W (MSDN)
STSUploadCtl Class or UploadCtl
An ActiveX control that enables multiple documents to be uploaded to a document library on a site in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
This control is defined in the STSUPLD.dll file, a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is installed on the client computer in the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ directory during Microsoft Office 2010 Setup
When a user clicks Add document, the form for uploading documents, Upload.aspx, appears. If the user then clicks Upload Multiple Files, an tag for the control is created on the page.
Verified http://bit.ly/1nc7Y5W (MSDN)
Groove Site Client ActiveX
Active X control added to IE add-ons on first use of 'Export to Excel'
More information needed
NameCtrl Class
Control is packaged in Office 20xx."when a page that contains a view of a document library opens, code in the file OWS.js determines whether Microsoft Office is installed and, if it is, instantiates the control"
Verified http://bit.ly/1jU3QYB (MSDN)
Microsoft Office Visio 12 Diagram Launch Control or DiagramLauncher Control
An ActiveX control that enables a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation user to create a Microsoft Visio 2010 diagram from a list if Visio 2010 is installed on the client computer.
This control is defined in DGRMLNCH.dll, a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is installed in the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ directory on the client computer when Visio 2010 is installed.
When a user clicks Create Visio Diagram on the List Tools ribbon on a page that contains a list, the ExportDiagram function in OWS.js is called. This function creates the control and uses the control to export a diagram.
Verified http://bit.ly/UqNQRM (MSDN)
The majority (if not all) of these controls are installed during Office 20xx installation. This http://bit.ly/1nkmR5A MSDN article lists, in further detail, the above controls and others. I am continuing to investigate these other controls, which I have listed below:
- CopyCtl Control
- FFWinPlugin Plug-in
- ListNet Control
- OISClientLauncher Control
- Importing Contacts Using the Spreadsheet Launcher Control
- TaskLauncher Control
I will add that information to this question, if you have any details please let me know. I will be closing this question after I have determined if a full installation of Office is needed or if the libraries mentioned above can be deployed to a workstation in an minimalist office install profile.