I have the following condition (I removed some items not to let the long code):

<xsl:when test="$Rows[1]/@Style='Results-List'">
      <xsl:for-each select="$Rows">
            <a href="/{@FileRef}" title="{$Data} - {@Title}">
                 <xsl:when test="(@PublishingRollupImage = '')">
                   <img src="/Util/Imagens/image-test.jpg" />
                   <xsl:value-of select="@PublishingRollupImage"  />

In one of the results @PublishingRollupImage field is filled, but always in the first condition.

I use a list of pages sharepoint for searching and the column is of type "Publishing Image"

I've tried to do with xsl:if however, believe that I'm doing the wrong condition. Can anyone help me?

  • Your condition looks correct if you want to implement some kind of default behavior if @PublishingRollupImage is an empty string (or does not exist at all). You don't need the parentheses, though. Are you sure that the attribute @PublishingRollupImage is in the current node when the condition is being tested? Another thing: in one case you return a string in the other case you return a HTML fragment. Is this intentional? Could you extend your example by adding the embracing tags using the result of your <choose> environment? May 26, 2014 at 15:03
  • Yes it is intentional on a result you see a string and a variable into another come. I added in the variable @PublishingRollupImage and returns the value. But the column is filled. I'll update the example to see if improvements in understanding May 26, 2014 at 17:47
  • The use of the <choose> is much clearer now, thank you. After Googling a bit I think the problem is with the column itself. It appears that the value passed to you is not a string but has some kind of object substructure. I'm not familiar with SharePoint at all (only with XSLT :-) ) but does this help you in any way: stackoverflow.com/questions/977127/… ? May 26, 2014 at 20:34


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