I have a list and its title column is hidden. The title columnh carries the ellipsis that opens the menu with details of the record.
How to make the ellipsis visible again while keeping the title column hidden?
Open the AllItems.aspx page for the specific list. Search for the tag
List item LinkToItem="TRUE" to whichever column you want the link:
< ViewFields> < FieldRef Name="Attachments"/> < FieldRef Name="LinkTitle"/> < FieldRef Name="linkThisColumn" LinkToItem="TRUE"/> < FieldRef Name="data_x0020_column"/> < FieldRef Name="Another_x0020_column"/> < /ViewFields>
See the answer here.
I realize this post is a few years old, but thought it might be handy to include another option as well. The ellipsis menu can be added to a column using CSR / JSLink as well and is a better solution than editing the AllItems.aspx or any other page directly.
The JSLInk js file might look like this:
(function () {
// Initialize the variables for overrides objects
var overrideCtx = {};
overrideCtx.Templates = {};
// alert("Override call worked");
overrideCtx.Templates.OnPreRender = csrMenuAvail;
function csrMenuAvail(ctx) {
// Specifying which column you are adding the ellipsis to based on the displayed field name.
// As written this will work across multiple web parts on the same page
var numColumns = ctx.ListSchema.Field.length;
var columnArr = ctx.ListSchema.Field;
for (var i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
if (columnArr[i].RealFieldName == "ColumnName") //example 1
columnArr[i].listItemMenu = "TRUE";