During some Read/Write/Update operations SharePoint Client Object model returns '(503) Service Unavailable' exception, reattempt solve this problem. Here, re-attempt Operation creates a new collection of return values and we are not able to assign it back to the original return value object.
Note: Return value of LoadQuery() method is present in 'ClientQueryableResult.m_data' private variable.
We come up with below reflection code. But the problem is we are not sure whether it is safe to use Reflection with SharePoint Client object module to read one of it's private variable value?
e.g. Loading SharePoint Groups we have
var groups = _ClientContext.LoadQuery(_ClientContext.Web.SiteGroups);
Below code caches LoadQuery() parameters and use it in exception case for reattempt
object OrgResult, NewResult, Params;
Params = clientObjects
OrgResult = _ClientContext.LoadQuery(clientObjects);
try {_ClientContext.ExecuteQuery();}
catch (WebException webEx){
NewResult = _ClientContext.LoadQuery(Params);
object data = NewResult.GetPrivateFieldValue("m_data");
if (data != null)
OrgResult.SetPrivateFieldValue("m_data", data);
// Reflection method to read private value
public static object GetPrivateFieldValue(this object src, string fieldName)
object value = null;
FieldInfo fieldInfo = src.GetType().GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.NonPublic
if (fieldInfo != null)
value = fieldInfo.GetValue(src);
return value;