I have:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    <script src="lib/jquery-1.4.4.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="buscador.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
    <script src="lib/jquery.autolink.js" type="text/javascript"></script>   
        Esta es la prueba de poner tooltip a una no mas Prueba para ver
        El elemento solo tiene que tener el atributo title="mensaje del tooltip" y 

And in the javascript:

function getList(){
    //_listDiccionario = Array(new Array("elemento","Este es el mensaje"), new Array("mensaje","cosas rarascosas ")); //Para probar

    /* Retrieves the current ClientContext object */
     //var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();

    var webUrl = "http://c-jfmunoz:5000";  
    var context = new ClientContext(webUrl); 

    var web = context.get_web();

    // Get references to the lists we will use
    var listObject = web.get_lists().getByTitle(_listName);

    // Get the list items for the contacts list 
    _listDiccionario = listObject.getItems();

    // context.load tells the object model to load the objects scalar 
    // properties. Otherwise they will not be accessible 

    Event handler called loading the contacts and companies lists
    This method dynamically renders an HTML table to display the list data 

function onListsLoaded() {
    return false;

And when I run it it says "ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded was not defined"

I think that nothing will work. Is there anything that I must add to the JavaScript file to make it work?

2 Answers 2


Have you included any of the SharePoint javascript code in your page? ie: script refs to sp.js?

Also, where is your HTML page running from? I'm not sure if it works outside the context of a SharePoint site.

If you need a hand getting started with the JavaScript Client Object Model, have a read through this tutorial:



Now it's working :)

The problem now is that I have a list called 'Lista Diccionario' and I want to get all the items there.

"There's the code" but it doesn't work.


var _listName = "Lista Diccionario";
var _listDiccionario;

    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(initialize, "sp.js");  

function initialize(){

function addToolTipToList(where, color, list){
    for( i=0 ; i < list.length ; i++){
        addTooltipToText("body", "0000FF", list[i][0], list[i][1]);

function addTooltipToText(where, color, text, tooltipMessage) {
   $(where).replaceEachOne(text, '<label style="color:#'+ color + ';" title="' + tooltipMessage + '">$1</label>');

//Ejemplo en http://sharepointbloggin.com/2010/02/10/walkthrough-4-accessing-list-data-using-the-javascript-client-om/
    function getList(){
        //_listDiccionario = Array(new Array("elemento","Este es el mensaje"), new Array("mensaje","cosas rarascosas ")); //Para probar

        var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
        this.web = ctx.get_web();

        /*var webUrl = "http://c-jfmunoz:5000";  
        var context = new ClientContext(webUrl); */

        // Get references to the lists we will use
        var listObject = web.get_lists().getByTitle(_listName);


        // Get the list items for the list 
        _listDiccionario = listObject.getItems();

        // context.load tells the object model to load the objects scalar 
            // properties. Otherwise they will not be accessible 

            ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onListsLoaded),
                                    Function.createDelegate(this, this.onListsFailed));

        Event handler called loading the contacts and companies lists
        This method dynamically renders an HTML table to display the list data 
    function onListsLoaded(sender, arg) {
        return false;

    function onListsFailed(sender, args) {
        alert('failed to update title. Error:'+args.get_message());
        return false;


I change the name of the list from "Lista Diccionario" to "Diccionario" and now it works!!!

  • It goes to the onListsFailed method, Where's the error? Commented Jan 17, 2011 at 20:58

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