In Sharepoint, I need modify a new item form of a list to make a field visible/invisible when a check box is selected:

For example: There is a checkbox field called "Is XYZ affected?"

When a user selects this field, it will make a hidden field visible "Impact details:"

If "Is XYZ affected?" field is not checked, then "Impact details:" field is invisible.

This is easy to do it in html using javascript, how do I do it on Sharepoint?


3 Answers 3


You can do it in sharepoint either by directly modifying the page in sharepoont designer or by placing a content editor webpart on the page and writing the javascript/jquery code in it. Here is a sample: http://sharepointnadeem.blogspot.com/2013/09/sharepoint-showhide-list-column-based.html


You should create a custom InfoPath form with conditional fields. Here is a helpful link.


you can achieve this using the Jquerry, Follow this blog. http://alstechtips.blogspot.com/2013/08/walkthrough-conditionally-hide-fields.html

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