I have a vanilla SharePoint 2013 server virtualized under Hyper-V for a dev environment. Both application server and database server have 12 GB of RAM and 4 core CPU. All services are enabled, search crawling paused.

I can see my SQL server under a heavy load even when no requests is made, the process is taking about 20-30%. Whenever I request a page this goes up to between 60-80% and it takes roughly 6 seconds for any pages to come up. When I created my first site collection after running the installation wizard it timed out twice on me, and took 13 minutes the third time to succeed.

If I check the recommended specs for a dev environment, my setup is largely above it. What is wrong? How can I speed that up to something respectable?

  • How is your host running the Hyper-V instance configured? OS, RAM, Disk size/type, CPU etc?
    – Benny Skogberg
    Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 21:00
  • @Benny Skogberg The host use 4 servers with 8 processors each. Storage is a SAN of hard disk arrays wich make up += 32 tera. Ram I dont know how much total, I havent mounted the host myself may be around 256 GB. There's more than 2 virtualized machines in there. My VM network for Sharepoint uses 1 NUMA block of 64 GB (including both app server, data, dc, 1 dev machine)
    – Machinegon
    Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 21:17

5 Answers 5


MS suggests 24gb for a dev environment with all services running (10gb for minimal services with Visual Studio)




The problem was that the ram was allocated dynamically on the VMS. You must set it static to have a good performance.


I experience performance issues with anything less that 16GB of RAM for my SP2013 development environments. 32GB would be even better if you have it.

I have also noticed better performance (and this is the case with most Windows services running under Hyper-V) when I use only 1 CPU core (or possibly 2). Anything over that results in degraded performance in my experience.

  • Microsoft does have some guidance for using SharePoint 2013 in Hyper-V. It doesn't specifically apply to development environments, but could prove useful: technet.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ff621103(v=office.15).aspx Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 20:47
  • Also, the MS documentation on creating a development environment indicates 16GB would be the minimum: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee554869.aspx Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 20:48
  • This is for a standalone installation, my app server and data server are separated on 2 machines which makes up a total of 24 GB
    – Machinegon
    Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 20:53
  • For your environment, you don't have to set the max ram at 12GB for both. You can set both to dynamically use 4GB to 24GB and let Hyper-V handle how much RAM each is allotted to each environment. Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 20:59
  • The startup is at 12 GB, Max 14 GB for both. I can try to let them scale and see how it goes
    – Machinegon
    Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 21:04

In my dev environment I have a VirtualBox VM with 16G of RAM for SharePoint 2013. Since my host OS has 32G of RAM I could go up a little, but sometimes am running my SP2010 VM at the same time. Regardless, my problem seems to be that it is more CPU bound. Since mine is a dev environment and I am not using Workflow (currently), I just kill Microsoft.Workflow.ServiceHost from the task manager. I'm sure this has negative side effects, but the positive side effect is that my CPU goes from 100% to below 70% (until an incremental crawl starts :-). Sometime I need to figure out how to throttle workflow better, but maybe this approach will help for you.


I wrote a couple of blog posts on why SharePoint Installations are typically slow. Most of the time its caused by SharePoint developers assuming SharePoint is a very flexible database and you can put any type of information in there. People dont understand that everything will be stored in a single table. Here is a blog you hopefully find useful: Top SharePoint Performance Problems

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