I have certain page in SharePoint where i need to break inheritance remove certain security groups form the permissions permanently.Al i want to do is through programatically to be done.Please suggest any ideas on this. Thanks.

1 Answer 1


You can follow this post:
Assigning SharePoint List Item level permission programmatically

Excerpt from article:

RemoveAllPermissions Function

private static void RemoveAllPermissions(SPListItem CurrentlistItem)
        //The below function Breaks the role assignment inheritance for the list and gives the current list its own copy of the role assignments
        //Get the list of Role Assignments to list item and remove one by one.
        SPRoleAssignmentCollection SPRoleAssColn = CurrentlistItem.RoleAssignments;
        for (int i = SPRoleAssColn.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

GrantPermission Function

private static void GrantPermission(SPListItem CurrentListItem, SPWeb oSPWeb, SPRoleType SPRoleType, SPPrincipal SPPrincipal)
            //Create one Role Definition i.e Full Controls, Contribute rights or Read rights etc.
            SPRoleDefinition oSPRoleDefinition = oSPWeb.RoleDefinitions.GetByType(SPRoleType);
            //Create one Role Assignment for the specified SP user or group.
            SPRoleAssignment oSPRoleAssignment = new SPRoleAssignment(SPPrincipal);
            //Bind the role definition to the role assignment object created for the user or group.
            //Add it to the specified list item.
            //update the list item so that specified user assignment will have the access.
        catch (Exception ex)
            EventLog.WriteEntry("Error in UAR Initiation Workflow", "GrantPermission() : " + ex.Message);

You can get the List Item for SPFile using SPFile.Item

  • HI Adam i want to break permissions for page not list.Can you please suggest.
    – SPLearner
    Commented Sep 26, 2013 at 17:23
  • Yes Page is actually an item of Document Library.. you can get the page list item by SPFile.Item property ! Commented Sep 27, 2013 at 16:27

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