I am having the exact same problem described here. Unfortunately because I don't have 50 points yet I can't comment on it so I have to create a new duplicate question.
I mean it's not "100% EXACTLY" like the other guy's problem because for me the problem exists on the Edit Form and I'm using a combination of custom forms and fields. But I am adding the custom save event handler at the field level per suggestion #2 made by the guy at this site. I should also note that when I create a new Document Library without any custom forms or Content Types and just use my custom fields straight-up, the event handler also does not fire. If however I create a new regular SharePoint list and add the custom fields then the OnSaveHandler DOES fire! I So I'm not quite sure why it doesn't work in Document Libraries but it does work in lists because I was under the impression that the beauty of custom fields was that they operate independently of everything else. Meaning, even if I was doing something wonky with my Edit Form or some other control, since I am attaching my custom method to the SPContext.Current.FormContext.OnSaveHandler in the OnInit method of my custom field then that should fire no matter what! Even when the field is being loaded for the first time I actually see the event being wired up in the debugger. In debug mode I have a breakpoint next to the "if" statement below and it hits that breakpoint which means that when the FormContext.OnSaveHandler is triggered my method should fire.
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if ((SPContext.Current.FormContext.FormMode == SPControlMode.New) || (SPContext.Current.FormContext.FormMode == SPControlMode.Edit))
SPContext.Current.FormContext.OnSaveHandler += new EventHandler(MyHandler);
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
UPDATE #1: After a little troubleshooting I was able to deduce that the EventHandler in my custom field was being fired but ONLY when used in regular lists and NOT Document Libraries! In regular SharePoint lists not only is the SPContext.Current.FormContext.OnSaveHandler being fired but the values from the custom fields are being saved as well.
As a side note, when saving the data back to my custom field that inherits from SPFieldText, the value (which is json data) displays in the list view as #VALUE!, which I think is kind of weird. I mean it's able to read the json data that's stored in the field correctly because it shows up in the Edit Form just fine. But for some reason SharePoint just displays it as #VALUE! in the list view.