How can I get my login account to not show as [System Account]?

I've setup up SharePoint locally on my system as standalone environment, using my windows credentials [Domain\Username] to set it up.

Everything is working perfectly fine except one thing which is as soon as I any access any site / CA, I am logging in as SharePoint\System [System Account].

But I want it to show as my local account and not the system account.

  • I have already checked that [SharePoint Central Administration v4] application pool is running on my local account[domain\username].
  • [Web Application -80] app pool is running on Network Service account & [SecurityTokenServiceApplication] app pool is running on LocalSystem.
  • Also, within central admin's farm administration section, I have removed my Local account [domain\username].

I have read a lot of technet and msdn articles on it & it states that this could be happening because of various reasons.

  • So, what exactly is your question? You should break up your paragraph some more because it is difficult to read.
    – bgmCoder
    Commented Jul 25, 2013 at 14:10
  • Setup up SharePoint locally on my system as standalone environment. Used my windows credentials [Domain\Username] to set it up. Everything is working perfectly fine except one thing which is as soon as I any access any site / CA, I am logging in as SharePoint\System [System Account]. Which is the issue. I dont know how to seperate my account so that it cannot appear as system account
    – user1826
    Commented Jul 25, 2013 at 15:24
  • I cleaned up your question for you.
    – bgmCoder
    Commented Jul 25, 2013 at 15:51

2 Answers 2


The System Account is the one you specified in Sharepoint Central Administration as the Farm Administrator. It will always show as [System Account].

I created for myself a separate user account with full rights and use that account instead.

Here are some similar questions with answers (here on SSE):


The above is true in a complete farm setup! In my case, I have sharepoint 2010 setup on my local win 7 machine. Which dont allow provisioning user profile services also no access to AD and above that it uses SQL Express. because of this setup whenever I provisioned a new web application using my domain/windows username, it reflects as SYSTEM ACCOUNT. Thou app pool acct was Network Service the farm admin account was using my username. Therefore the avoid this, i have re-provisioned the web app using Network Service acct. Which resolved my issue. TX.

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