I have activated SharePoint Publishing Infrastructure feature provisioned through my web template. But the Navigation (my libraries in QuickLaunch bar) was not visible after publishing feature activation. For showing navigation, I added following feature to my web template:
<Feature ID="541F5F57-C847-4e16-B59A-B31E90E6F9EA">
<!-- Per-Web Portal Navigation Properties-->
<Properties xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
<Property Value="true" Key="InheritGlobalNavigation"/>
<Property Value="true" Key="InheritCurrentNavigation"/>
<Property Value="true" Key="IncludeSubSites"/>
<Property Value="true" Key="IncludePages"/>
But, I could not see navigation (Libraries in QuickLaunch bar) in my site collection. Then I go to Site settings -> Navigation and select last option (structural navigation) from current navigation option and click ok. I can see Navigation now. But My question is, how can I do this through xml provision in my web template ?