I have a request to setup a doc lib to capture all emails for a particular project and file it in a particular folder within the library. Here's the a quick run thru:
- I have a doc lib called BCDL with the incoming email option enabled. The email address for the doc lib is [email protected].
- The user will, in advance, manually create folders with naming convention of "Proj-XXXXX" where XXXXX is the project number
- All emails (with or without attachment) going to [email protected] will be forwardedto the BCDL library. The subject of the email will include the "Proj-XXXXX" text in it. Note, the position of this text can vary is it is a response to an email.
- After the email arrived, a workflow or task of some sort needs to parse the subject and look for the "Proj-XXXXX" and move that email to the "Prox-XXXXX" folder which was pre created in step 2.
In summary, I want to setup a Doc Lib where all incoming email will be filed to the respective "Proj-XXXXX" folder parsed in the subject line.
Not sure where to start. I have look at the doc lib, one of the issues I am seeing is that email to a doc lib MUST contain an attachment or it will not accept it. A custom list does not have incoming email option.
Update 20/11 after answer and comments:
The problem with grouping is that I can't apply permission to it. Someone would have to apply the permission to each entry. With folder, the user would apply the permission when the folder was first created.