So, I have these 2 site collections within a single web app at port 83:
- Main Site Collection: /
- Nested Site Collection: /sites/custom/
Again, these are 2 separate isolation boundaries.. each is assigned to it's own content database...
For the main collection, I can run these 2 commands in stsadm all day long.. with no problems:
stsadm -o deletesite -url http://devSP1.contoso.local:83/
stsadm -o createsite -url http://devSP1.contoso.local:83/ -owneremail [email protected] -ownerlogin CONTOSO\me -siteTemplate "STS#1" -description "This is a dev site"
No errors. The database is not dropped between calls or anything like that.
If I run these commands, however, the 'createsite' command fails...
stsadm -o deletesite -url http://devSP1.contoso.local:83/sites/custom/
stsadm -o createsite -url http://devSP1.contoso.local:83/sites/custom/ -owneremail [email protected] -ownerlogin CONTOSO\me -siteTemplate "STS#1" -description "This is a dev site"
and I've lost my content db, etc. I have to go into central admin to recreate my SiteCollection before I can run my 'createsite' command.
Here's the error, fwiw:
The URL '/sites/custom/' is invalid. It may contain illegal characters, or be too long.