Three list : Pending List , Trash List , Approved List
workflow : discussion Ideas
Step 1:
if Approval status Equals 2;#Pending
Set Officer to Pending
then Wait for Approval status to not Equal 2;#Pending
Step 2:
if Approval status Equals 0;#Approved
Set Officer to Approved
then Copy item in "Pending List" to "Approved List"
then Delete item in "Pending List"
if Approval status Equals 1;#Rejected
Set Officer to Rejected
then Copy item in "Pending List" to "Trash List"
then Delete item in "Pending List"
i have created Workflow with name "discussion Ideas" and checked "Automatically start this wf when a new item is created".when i create Item and then Pressing F5 for refresh page , Workflow says "completed" with no Pending or Approved. what's going on ? i am sure everything is fine also i don't see any report of WF.does MOSS is corrupt ? or maybe bad Installing ? it took me an entire day to figure out that problem but couldn't.
here i took log from "SharePoint LogViewer 2.0"
Any Help Would be Appreciated.