I have a document library using a document set content type. I can create a new document set through the UI and it works perfectly.
I'm now trying to create a document set in this library programmatically and it's not working properly. Here is the code (based on MSDN documentation):
// Set some properties
Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
properties.Add("UploadComplete", false);
properties.Add("FilenameCode", code);
// Create the set
DocumentSet invoiceSet = DocumentSet.Create(
list.RootFolder, code, InvoiceSetContentTypeId, properties, true);
What's not working:
icon for the set looks like a folder instead of the document set icon
clicking on the document set doesn't show the document set home page, it just behaves like a normal document library
running CAML queries shows that both internal fields
HTML File Type
should beSharePoint.DocumentSet
but instead they are blankchanging a field value on the document set folder doesn't propogate to its contents (although perhaps this is supposed to work differently)
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?