I want to activate a feature with custom properties. It is easy to do in onet.xml by providing Properties:

<Feature ID=“78277796-98D9-4276-B7D2-E3374AAC43D8“>
            <Property Key=“MyProperty1“ Value=“FALSE“ />
            <Property Key=“MyProperty2“ Value=“6ECFC841-7FFF-4E06-9D50-0678CC43696D“ />
            <Property Key=“MyProperty3“ Value=“TRUE“ />
            <Property Key=“MyProperty4“ Value=“Custom Data“/>

In Code I have seen, we can use Reflection to specify custom properties and Yaroslavs remake. How could one specify custom properties when activating feature in powershell:

Enable-SPFeature ...

2 Answers 2


It's not possible throught Enable-SPFeature if you need it you'll have to write your own cmdlet, there a guide for doing that here

In that cmdlet, you can use the reflection hack you linked to, but note that when you're using reflection to find non-public methods you run the risk of any update/hotfix/SP breaking your code.

  • Thank you for your answer. I agree with you. It isn't reliable to use reflection because a new patch can change internal methods. But I was curious about creating cmdlets, so I created this one: sp-lend-id.taprat The description is on my blog Apr 10, 2012 at 20:15

It sounds like what you have is a configurable component. If that is the case, you should implement configuration properly instead of hacking/reflecting an object to make is suit your purpose.

The patterns & practices group discusses configuration in "The Application Setting Manager" section of their guidance. The guidance also includes sample code for a List-backed configuration store.


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