I am using managed client object model in sharepoint and I am adding EventDate and on adding that I am catching exception which says Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldValueException

if (thisfield.StaticName.ToLower() == "eventdate" 
 || thisfield.StaticName.ToLower() == "enddate")
  newitem.ParseAndSetFieldValue(thisfield.InternalName, spitem[thisfield.StaticName].ToString());

Please let me know what should I do .


  • Here is the line code if (thisfield.StaticName.ToLower() == "eventdate" || thisfield.StaticName.ToLower() == "enddate") newitem.ParseAndSetFieldValue(thisfield.InternalName, spitem[thisfield.StaticName].ToString());
    – RHM
    Commented Mar 16, 2012 at 14:45

1 Answer 1


Please Follow with this Code

 ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext("http://yoursite");
List list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListName");
ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery());
ctx.Load(items); // loading all the fields

foreach(var item in items)
    // important thing is, that here you must have the right type
    // i.e. item["Modified"] is DateTime
    item["fieldName"] = newValue;

    // do whatever changes you want

    item.Update(); // important, rembeber changes
ctx.ExecuteQuery(); // important, commit changes to the server

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