Good morning,

I have a Power Apps Canvas form (connected to a SharePoint list) where I have a date picker field with a weird requirement.

I need the Datacard's error message to read "Must be a Sunday" IF the Selected Date is NOT a Sunday. How could I make this happen?


1 Answer 1


You can check the day of selected date using Weekday function like:


So, try setting Text property of error message label control to:

If(Weekday(DateControlName.SelectedDate)=1,"","Must be a Sunday") 


If(Weekday(DateControlName.SelectedDate,StartOfWeek.Sunday)=1,"","Must be a Sunday") 

Where DateControlName is the name of your date picked control and 1 is to check for "Sunday".

  • 1
    Thanks Ganesh. The second formula is exactly what I needed.
    – Quilly
    Commented Jan 17 at 20:16

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