ISSUE: The list validation works when adding a list entry, but when editing the same entry (with no change), the user message is displayed. Using SharePoint 2016.

I have tried numerous combinations, including not using DateDif. I'm not 100% on why it seems to prefer logic for creating a new entry (created=modified) vs an edit. I assume because created time needs to be ignored. The dates are date-only, but I did change them to date-time for some testing. The time is all 12:00:00.

User Message: The End Date cannot be less than the Begin Date AND the End Date cannot exceed 366 days from the Begin Date AND Begin Date cannot be < Created date AND Begin Date cannot exceed 60 days beyond the created date.

=AND([Begin Date]<=[End Date],

IF([Begin Date]<=[End Date],DATEDIF([Begin Date],[End Date],"d")<=366,TRUE),

IF(DATE(YEAR(Created),MONTH(Created),DAY(Created))>[Begin Date],FALSE,
    DATEDIF(DATE(YEAR(Created),MONTH(Created),DAY(Created)),[Begin Date],"d")+1>0
IF(Created>[Begin Date]+1,FALSE,
     DATEDIF(Created,[Begin Date]+1,"d")>0
IF(DATE(YEAR(Created),MONTH(Created),DAY(Created))>[Begin Date],FALSE,
    DATEDIF(DATE(YEAR(Created),MONTH(Created),DAY(Created)),[Begin Date]+1,"d")<60)
IF(Created>[Begin Date]+1,FALSE,
DATEDIF(Created,[Begin Date]+1,"d")<60

1 Answer 1


The issue all hinges on comparing a date (without time) to the Created or Modified dates that have time. To avoid the issue, add 1 day to the date without time and change the comparison operator accordingly. In my case, the final validation formula is:

    =AND([Begin Date]<=[End Date],[End Date]<=[Begin Date]+366,[Begin Date]+1>Created,[Begin Date]+1<Created+60)

Hopefully this will help someone else.

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