I am working on requirement that requires new permission group to be setup in such a way:

  1. Members of that group should be able to delete only self created data
  2. Members of that group should be able to edit self and others created data

I have tried creating custom permission group, but there is no option for deletion as per my requirement, can someone please help me out on this.

Note: I am using SharePoint online

  • I think you will need item level permissions for your list. on item creation, use power automate flow to break permission inheritance and then grant current user Edit/Full Control permissions and Contribute permissions to SharePoint group. Commented Mar 27, 2023 at 12:49

2 Answers 2


As per my understanding there is not OOTB way to configure permission according to your first requirement.

As workaround you can change permission of item/file after creating it using Power Automate. For your first requirement you don't need to create any group but for second requirement you can create one SharePoint Group e.g. Group 2

From Power Automate you can set below permission:

  • Created By (User Work Created Item) - Contribute
  • Group 2 - Contribute

Please find below article which can help you to setup permission once Item is added to list:


This is not possible using SharePoint out of the box permissions.

You need item level permissions for your list.

on item creation, use power automate flow to break permission inheritance and then grant current user Edit/Full Control permissions and Contribute permissions to SharePoint group.

Check my answer here for setting up the Power automate flow: Restrict user access

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