I'm currently using PNP Core Framework with a "normal" console application.

I want to get all Files and Folders from a specific Document Library. How can I do this in a simple way? I tried it with a CAML Query approach, but no real luck.

I'm currently stuck at this question.

Best regards


1 Answer 1


see the following code

private static void UseRecursiveMethodToGetAllItems()
    using (var context = new ClientContext(WebUrl))
        context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(UserName, Password);

        var rootFolders = context.Web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(LibName).Folders;
        context.Load(rootFolders, folders => folders.Include(f => f.ListItemAllFields));
        foreach (var folder in rootFolders)
            GetFilesAndFolders(context, folder);


private static void GetFilesAndFolders(ClientContext context, Folder folder)
    if (folder != null && folder.ListItemAllFields.FieldValues.Count > 0)
        Console.WriteLine($"Folder - {folder.ListItemAllFields.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"]}");

        var fileCollection = folder.Files;
        context.Load(fileCollection, files => files.Include(f => f.ListItemAllFields));

        foreach(var file in fileCollection)
            Console.WriteLine($" -> {file.ListItemAllFields.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"]}");

        var subFolderCollection = folder.Folders;
        context.Load(subFolderCollection, folders => folders.Include(f => f.ListItemAllFields));
        foreach (var subFolder in subFolderCollection)
            GetFilesAndFolders(context, subFolder);

enter image description here

Source : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61323146/c-sharp-sharepoint-loop-through-all-files-in-folder-and-all-subfolders

  • Is this also with context.web.lists.GetBytitle("ListName") possible?
    – Matthias
    Commented Mar 19, 2023 at 9:35
  • 1
    Hi, any updates?
    – Carl Zhao
    Commented Apr 6, 2023 at 7:00

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