Please follow the steps:
1.Navigation to the list as a site admin
2.Create the below Choice columns in the list
- [Etat du projet]
- [Etat du budget]
- [Etat du planning]
- [Etat du perimetre]
3.Use the below JSON formatting for each Choice column
"$schema": "",
"elmType": "div",
"children": [
"elmType": "img",
"style": {
"position": "relative",
"top ": "50%",
"left": "50%",
"width": "48px",
"height": "auto",
"margin-left": "-50%",
"margin-top": "0%"
"attributes": {
"src": "=if(@currentField == 'Beau', '', if(@currentField == 'Orageux', '', if(@currentField == 'Pluvieux', '', if(@currentField == 'Gel', '',if(@currentField == 'Nuageux','','')))))"
- You have to upload your images to Site Assets library(or
somewhere else on your site) and replace the image URL with your own.