My environment is now giving me errors after upgrading ...
C:\work\SPO\webparts\solution>npm ls -g --depth=0
C:\Program Files\nodejs
+-- @microsoft/[email protected]
+-- [email protected]
+-- [email protected]
`-- [email protected]
node -v is v14.18.0
When I do gulp serve I get ....
Build target: DEBUG
[16:01:07] Using gulpfile C:\work\SPO\webparts\solution\gulpfile.js
[16:01:07] Task never defined: serve
[16:01:07] To list available tasks, try running: gulp --tasks
About to exit with code: 1
Process terminated before summary could be written, possible error in async code not continuing!
Trying to exit with exit code 1
My gulpfile.js is ...
'use strict';
const gulp = require('gulp');
const build = require('@microsoft/sp-build-web');
build.addSuppression(`Warning - [sass] The local CSS class 'ms-Grid' is not camelCase and will not be type-safe.`);
additionalConfiguration: (generatedConfiguration) => {
test: /\.woff2(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/,
use: {
loader: 'url-loader'
return generatedConfiguration;
Thanks P