We're building a training program into SP, and we have a list of individual 'Learning Objects' that contains a title, a Description, Duration, etc. . . Pretty standard stuff.

However, we also want to suggest the order in which these Learning Objects should be accessed and completed. It looks like this:

enter image description here

So, a new student should complete the Welcome to Chris item first, then the Products on LM.com etc.

The problem is . . . what happens when we need to insert an item? I.E. Maybe we develop a new module that needs to be completed between the Welcome from Chris and the Products on LM.com modules? This item would become the new Suggested Order 2, but then I would need everything starting with the existing Suggested Order 2 to increment by 1.

Is this possible?

1 Answer 1


Figured it out with a Power Automate Flow:

enter image description here

My Filter query in the 'Peek Code' area is:

"$filter": "(Suggested_x0020_Order ge '@{triggerOutputs()?['body/Suggested_x0020_Order']}') and (ID lt '@{variables('newItemID')}')"

And my 'Apply to Each' code for the column in question is:

add(items('Apply_to_each')?['Suggested_x0020_Order'], 1)

Power Automate is pretty awesome! Although this takes about 30 seconds to run all the way through.

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