What I'm trying to do is to update the SharePoint list if there is an item in the Excel file that is not in SharePoint, for example

I have in the SharePoint list one item:

PR Number Desc Title Priority Link
0005689 lorem example (This is a dropdown) http://example.com

And in the Excel I have three items:

Number Desc Title Link
0005689 lorem example http://example.com
0003491 lorem example http://example.com
0001497 lorem example http://example.com

So basically I want to compare if each of the Number values in the Excel file exists in the SharePoint list, and if not, then add it to SharePoint so the final list will be like:

PR Number Desc Title Priority Link
0005689 lorem example (This is a dropdown) http://example.com
0003491 lorem example (This is a dropdown) http://example.com
0001497 lorem example (This is a dropdown) http://example.com

So far I have tried with PowerAutomate (MS Flow) but it is quite confusing how to use it, I have just being able to set the recurrence to each day, and to get the items and the worksheet, but I don't find a way to handle the data and make the comparisson nor the addition to the list.

I did my research in the forum but the threads are more than 7 years old.

1 Answer 1


See the screenshots for a sample Power Automate below.

enter image description here

Detail 1

enter image description here

Detail 2

enter image description here

  • Thanks, Matiur, this does the trick. I just do not find where to put the recurrence control. Commented Mar 30, 2021 at 17:24

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