I'm building a webpart application using SharePoint SPFx with react.
I would like to use SharePoint's multiline text field as a way to store an array. I saw this thread here which said you can convert the array into a JSON to then store as a string.
The goal is to create a updating history list. So for example when someone makes any edits on the front end of my application on submit I want to store it like this:
Action: Updated item number 3
User: John Smith
Date: 07/14/2020
Action: Renamed item 22
User: Diana Jane
Date: 07/04/2020
Action: Removed item 4 and item 15
User: Eli Perez
Date: 07/03/2020
I myself will create this array I just need help on how to store it to be able to then loop through and display it on another page.