Is it possible to change the suite bar text and URL only on site level?

Change at sharepoint/test site but don't change at sharepoint/ site collection.

I tried this, but this make changes for all sites:

$web = Get-SPWebApplication "http://test
$web.SuiteNavBrandingLogoNavigationUrl ="http://google.com"
$web.SuiteNavBrandingLogoTitle = "Test"
$web.SuiteNavBrandingLogoUrl = "logo URL"
$web.SuiteNavBrandingText ="Dev 

Thanks for help.

2 Answers 2


As per my knowledge you cannot do modify Suite Bar at site level using Powershell. You can edit the master page and add JavaScript there. Follow the answer given here.


The cmdlets that you used is used to set the Suite Bar branding for a web application, all site collections which is hosted in the web application will be affected. More information, you can refer to that.

For sites, there is no property for suitbar. About SPSite.

For your requirement, I suggest you use JavaScript code to achieve it.

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