I need to grant a person the access to all restricted files/folders on the site or site collection without adding the person as one of the site collection Admin or site owner.

I tried to give the person the Full control access, but it is not working, he is still not able to access to the restricted folders.

Please help.

2 Answers 2


If you want to access the restricted files/folder on which item level permissions are enabled or in case you have break the inheritance on the sub-site, giving Full Access control will not a work.

In order to access the restricted files/folders/sub-sites user should be Site Collection Administrator.

SharePoint Administration Roles and SharePoint Permissions are explained in below articles:

  1. Understanding permission levels in SharePoint.
  2. Understanding SharePoint Permissions.

Check if "Limited-access user permission lockdown mode" is enabled at site collection level. If yes, disable it. Then test again.

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