I use the Workflow History List for debugging and the option of turning on debugging for flows that are in production. I would however like a workflow that purges the records in this list based by the workflow Name. I have created a workflow and a Delete HTTP request, but can't get it to work. I can't find any documentation on how to do this. What I have is

 [%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/_api/lists/GetByTitle('Workflow 

History')?$select=Id as my String in my Call

I get the following response code:


I think I'm getting it, but still don't know how to put the pieces together. My understanding now is that I create a HTTP Rest to select the IDs of each record. Then I have to follow it with two more HTTP requests one to get the item and the other to delete the item. It is these later two that I don't know how to do. Am I on the right track?

1 Answer 1


Change the Request like below.

[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/_api/lists/GetByTitle('Workflow%20History')/item(1)

The following example shows how to delete a list item.

url: http://site url/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Test')/items(item id)
method: POST
     Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken
     X-RequestDigest: form digest value
    "IF-MATCH": etag or "*"

You can refer to the article below to do a POST request using REST API in SharePoint designer.

SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflows and POST REST API

  • I understand that once I get the ID; then need to create a POST REST call, but though I am a seasoned programmer and I've written very sophisticated workflows in SharePoint, my experience with the REST operation is only GETS and I still have issues parsing multi-column attributes from custom lists. Your example seems concise and simple, I have no clue how to implement. I know I must create some dictionary fields and possible a single call statement, but that's it. I have looked at your reference, and based on my knowledge base, it doesn't help me. If you could spell it out more simply pls Commented May 24, 2019 at 13:52

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