I have issues running the Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $UserCredential command. I get the following error:

AADSTS50158: External security challenge not satisfied

My PowerShell Profile looks like:

netsh winhttp set proxy "http://myproxy.mydomain.com:9999"
$Wcl=New-Object System.Net.WebClient

[system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy = new-object system.net.webproxy('http://myproxy.mydomain.com:9999')
[system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.credentials = $Creds

I can see the Connect-MicrosoftTeams come through in Fiddler. Oddly, the host in Fiddler is actually the actual Connect-MicrosoftTeams command. The error in Fiddler is HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required and I can see the following Cookie Proxy-Authenticate: BASIC realm="My super secret Realm"


I can get to all other Office 365 workloads that I have tried. How do I get Connect-MicrosoftTeams to use my proxy credentials?


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