I am trying to fetch the data based on my "EmpData" list. I am able to get the exact rows for the below Rest API query till I don't include "Null" filtration in my below rest
var oDataUrl = siteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('EmpData')/items?$top=50000&$Select=ColumnA,ColumnB,ColumnC,ColumnD,ID&$filter=((Country eq 'USA')or(EMPScore eq '500')or(Department eq 'HR')or(TechSkill eq 'CRM')or(State eq 'LA'))and(years eq '27')
But I don't get any result when I add the Column "Result ** as (Result eq 'null') to filter null values** with my below Rest API
var oDataUrl = siteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('EmpData')/items?$top=6000&$Select=ColumnA,ColumnB,ColumnC,ColumnD,ID&$filter=((Country eq 'USA')or(EMPScore eq '500')or(Department eq 'HR')or(TechSkill eq 'CRM')or(State eq 'LA'))and(years eq '27')and(Result eq 'null')"
Can any one please do let me what's wrong in above API and what is the exact way of approach to fetch null values fro the column Result (Result eq 'null') using Rest