Prior administrator created sites based on directory structure

http://abc.sharepoint.com/site/quality http://abc.sharepoint.com/departments/IT http://abc.sharepoint.com/departments/HR

/site and /departments are Managed Paths (directories -- not site collections or subsites).

When a Subsite is delete, I know to look to the Site Collection for the Recycle Bin. Where is the Recycle Bin for such Managed Path-based sites?

  • Do you have the access to central admin> from central admin > application management > Manage web application. click on the abc.sarepoint.com web applition and from ribbon...Click on managed path...what you are seeing here.....also run this command > get-spsite abc.sharepoint.com/departments/HR
    – Waqas Sarwar MVP
    Commented Feb 28, 2018 at 17:38

2 Answers 2


/site and /departments are directories -- not subsites.

Those are Site Collections, not directories. The answer to your question depends on the version of your SharePoint: 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 or SharePoint Online. For 2010-2016 you can restore a deleted Site Collection using PowerShell. You will need to be a SharePoint Server Administrator with access to the SharePoint servers.

Here are the instructions for SP 2010-2016: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee748655.aspx


After improving the question with Waqas's help, I was able to get a list of the deleted Managed Path sites with:

Get-SPDeletedSite -webapplication "http://sharepoint.abc.com"

To Restore such a Managed Path Site, you can use the following:

$deletedSite = Get-SPDeletedSite /departments/secure_abc
Restore-SPDeletedSite -Identity $deletedSite


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