I need to view the timestamp when a User has been added to the Sharepoint group and by whom. Can anyone help me with how this can be checked in UI or through powershell script?
2 Answers
Audit report log will achieve your goal : https://support.office.com/en-us/article/view-audit-log-reports-4293e8d5-4e7d-4201-b8ac-c8e63a100131
Or you can start a workflow or some Event Receiver .
SharePoint Audit Logs can provide you such reports out of the box.
- Go to Site Settings -> Site Collection Administration -> Configure Audit Settings
- Enable auditing for changes in users and permissions
- Go to Site Settings -> Site Collection Administration -> Audit Log Reports
- Save Security Settings Audit report in SP library of your choice
- Download the report from the library chosen in step 4