Display template
I have created a display template and uploaded it to _catalogs/masterpage/Display Template/Search. The related .js file is created. The display template file is published.
Result Type I have created a new result type, using Site Settings -> Manage Result Types. Sources: Local People Results (System) Set Priority: 1 (in dropdown)
On People Search Page By Default it is set to Decide Display templates based on Result Type
Expected Behaviour Only documents with the specific tag are returned. The returned items are displayed with the display template created. Actual Behaviour
The search results display only documents with the specific tag. > OK But, the returned items are not displayed with my custom display template.
Additional findings If I use result type rules to decide the result type, the results are displayed with the default template. If I change the Display Template settings of the Search results to use the created display template explicitly, the results are displayed as expected. > This tells me that there is no error in the display template. If i change the Display Template settings of the Search results to use the defined result type explicitly, the results are again displayed with the default template.
it seems that the mapping between result type and display template is somehow not working. Do I have to crawl again? or do something else?
Could anybody give me a hint what I am missing?