SharePoint 2013 document is not visible with read and contributor right, only visible with Full control:
We have implemented following activity:
- Breakup permission of library
- Provide Everyone with read access on library.
- Given some user contributor and Full Control access right
- In case person having full control only can see document
I have checked all the below option to check the issue:
- Manage Files With No Checked In Version: Go to Library Settings and click the "Manage files which have no checked in version" link. If users have uploaded files but not checked them in, the users who uploaded the documents will be the only ones who can see them. Fortunately, the site owner can take ownership of checked out files, then check them in.
- Version Access: Go to Library Settings and click the "Versioning Settings" link. If "Content Approval" is turned on, then only people with access to Approve items will be able to see unapproved items. Similarly, if "Create major and minor (draft) versions" is checked, double-check what the "Draft Item Security" is set to-- you probably want it to be "Any user who can read items" 3) Permissions: Finally, go to Permissions for this document library and confirm that there are no documents or folders with unique permissions.