Does on-premise Sharepoint 2016 offer real-time document co-authoring in desktop versions of Office (Word, Excel)?
I've tried to do research but couldn't find convincing answer.
First you save the document to OneDrive or SharePoint Online, so others can work in it.
So it looks like this option is not available in onpremise Sharepoint 2016.
This feature is available only for processing documents that are stored in SharePoint Online and OneDrive. Real-time Co-authoring is not available in SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2010.
Again looks like this feature is not available for onpremise, but last sentence doesn't mention Sharepoint 2016, so I don't know if this article is just a little bit outdated or real-time co-authoring works in onpremise.
The same question as mine and someone from Microsoft answers that this feature is available in onpremise 2016 and as an evidence he links to site which clearly says:
Co-authoring with Excel and real-time co-authoring in Word and PowerPoint are supported in OneDrive and SharePoint Online >>only<<. When you store Excel documents on SharePoint server or any documents locally on your computer, you >>won't be able<< to co-author.
So what is the right answer? I'm asking about real-time (similar to Office Online).