If I go here in SharePoint then I am looking at my site assets:
https:// ... /SiteAssets/Forms/AllItems.aspx
At this location I can view a list of documents that the site has. I have full admin rights to the site and I am supposed to be able to do anything with the site.
If I hover over any of the documents in the list and click the drop down arrow that appears, I get lots of options, such as edit the properties, check it out, delete it, manage permissions, and so on.
I can do this for all the documents in the library EXCEPT ONE aspx page. For this document the only options I get are View Properties, Compliance Details, Alert me and Send to. And when I click on View Properties, the Edit Item option in the ribbon is grayed out.
This is the one document I need to modify and yet I can't, even as the admin.
It is not check out to anyone and is ready to be modified.
What can I do to be able to make changes to it?
Please help.