I can't make autocomplete work with ashx and the handler is working fine.

Here's the scenario:
1- JQuery files are properly referenced
2- ashx is deployed in /layouts and working (got this to work using this link)
3- on the text box when autocomplete is invoked using the code below nothing happens (why?)

When a user types on the text box, it should search the list and returns the list item(s) based on the user input. The list has only two columns: (1) Location and (2) GMT. Search is based on location. The list is referenced on the same site collection.

1 Answer 1


a few ideas:

  1. Compare the control ID being inserted into your jQuery call and ensure it is exactly the same as the actual control ID in the page. Often the two are different where one includes underscores and the other includes dollar signs.
  2. Fire up Fiddler and check to see that your jQuery is even fetching the data and that the ashx is returning the data expected.
  • There was another js error that is preventing the auto-complete to work. Thanks dave, I forgot I still have this issue open. I'm closing this now. Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 7:44

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