I recently had to build a powershell script to run trough all webs, subwebs, lists and items within a site collection to check what hasn't been used for a certain period.
This went ok in my development server, where I have a lot less items than in production.
When I attempted to run the script in the UAT server I ran in to a problem. I have some lists that are too big to be stored in the memory(1 million + items). This is happening because I use SPList.Items to get the list and then use a foreach to run trough all items of the list. But when I call SPList.Items powershell tries to store the entire list in the memory, which is impossible.
Is there a way around this?
Here is the code I am using:
# creates an object from the site collection url
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite $siteUrl
# loop trough all webs in the site collection
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs)
# loop trough all lists within the web
foreach ($list in $web.Lists)
# remove hidden lists, master page/list template/theme/web part galleries and style libraries
if( $list.Hidden -eq $false -and $list.Title -ne "Style Library" -and $list.Title -ne "Master Page Gallery" -and $list.Title -ne "List Template Gallery" -and $list.Title -ne "Theme Gallery" -and $list.Title -ne "Web Part Gallery")
# loop trough all items within the list
foreach ($item in $list.Items)
# gets the date the item was last modified and calculates the difference to today
$modified = $item["Modified"]
$TimeSpan = [DateTime]$today - [DateTime]$modified
$age = $TimeSpan.days
# collects item info and stores in an object
$data =
"Type" = "Item"
"Site" = $site.Url
"Web" = $web.Url
"List" = $list.Title
"ID" = $item.ID
"URL" = $item.Url
"Title" = $item.Title
"Created" = $item["Created"]
"Last Modified" = $item["Modified"]
"Time without update" = $age
New-Object PSObject -Property $data | Select "Type", "Site", "Web", "List", "ID", "URL", "Title", "Created", "Last Modified", "Time without update"
# gets the date the list was last modified and calculates the difference to today
$modified = $list.LastItemModifiedDate
$TimeSpan = [DateTime]$today - [DateTime]$modified
$age = $TimeSpan.days
# collects list info and stores in an object
$dataList =
"Type" = "List"
"Site" = $site.Url
"Web" = $web.Url
"List" = $list.Title
"ID" = $list.ID
"URL" = "n/a"
"Title" = $list.Title
"Created" = $list.Created
"Last Modified" = $list.LastItemModifiedDate
"Time without update" = $age
New-Object PSObject -Property $dataList | Select "Type", "Site", "Web", "List", "ID", "URL", "Title", "Created", "Last Modified", "Time without update"
# gets the date the web was last modified and calculates the difference to today
$modified = $web.LastItemModifiedDate
$TimeSpan = [DateTime]$today - [DateTime]$modified
$age = $TimeSpan.days
# collects list info and stores in an object
$dataWeb =
"Type" = "Web"
"Site" = $site.Url
"Web" = $web.Url
"List" = "n/a"
"ID" = $web.ID
"URL" = $web.Url
"Title" = $web.Title
"Created" = $web.Created
"Last Modified" = $web.LastItemModifiedDate
"Time without update" = $age
New-Object PSObject -Property $dataWeb | Select "Type", "Site", "Web", "List", "ID", "URL", "Title", "Created", "Last Modified", "Time without update"
I thought about using a CAML query to filter the results and then less items as the result, but I need all items and not just some so I can't really apply a filter to it.