I recently had to build a powershell script to run trough all webs, subwebs, lists and items within a site collection to check what hasn't been used for a certain period.

This went ok in my development server, where I have a lot less items than in production.

When I attempted to run the script in the UAT server I ran in to a problem. I have some lists that are too big to be stored in the memory(1 million + items). This is happening because I use SPList.Items to get the list and then use a foreach to run trough all items of the list. But when I call SPList.Items powershell tries to store the entire list in the memory, which is impossible.

Is there a way around this?

Here is the code I am using:

# creates an object from the site collection url
    $site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite $siteUrl 

        # loop trough all webs in the site collection
        foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) 
            # loop trough all lists within the web
            foreach ($list in $web.Lists) 
                # remove hidden lists, master page/list template/theme/web part galleries and style libraries
                if( $list.Hidden -eq $false -and $list.Title -ne "Style Library" -and $list.Title -ne "Master Page Gallery" -and $list.Title -ne "List Template Gallery" -and $list.Title -ne "Theme Gallery" -and $list.Title -ne "Web Part Gallery")
                    # loop trough all items within the list
                    foreach ($item in $list.Items) 
                        # gets the date the item was last modified and calculates the difference to today
                        $modified = $item["Modified"]
                        $TimeSpan = [DateTime]$today - [DateTime]$modified
                        $age = $TimeSpan.days

                    # collects item info and stores in an object
                        $data = 
                            "Type" = "Item"
                            "Site" = $site.Url 
                            "Web" = $web.Url 
                            "List" = $list.Title 
                            "ID" = $item.ID 
                            "URL" = $item.Url 
                            "Title" = $item.Title 
                            "Created" = $item["Created"] 
                            "Last Modified" = $item["Modified"]
                            "Time without update" = $age
                        New-Object PSObject -Property $data | Select "Type", "Site", "Web", "List", "ID", "URL", "Title", "Created", "Last Modified", "Time without update"
                    # gets the date the list was last modified and calculates the difference to today   
                    $modified = $list.LastItemModifiedDate
                    $TimeSpan = [DateTime]$today - [DateTime]$modified
                    $age = $TimeSpan.days

                    # collects list info and stores in an object
                    $dataList = 
                        "Type" = "List"
                        "Site" = $site.Url 
                        "Web" = $web.Url 
                        "List" = $list.Title 
                        "ID" = $list.ID 
                        "URL" = "n/a" 
                        "Title" = $list.Title 
                        "Created" = $list.Created 
                        "Last Modified" = $list.LastItemModifiedDate
                        "Time without update" = $age
                    New-Object PSObject -Property $dataList | Select "Type", "Site", "Web", "List", "ID", "URL", "Title", "Created", "Last Modified", "Time without update"
            # gets the date the web was last modified and calculates the difference to today    
            $modified = $web.LastItemModifiedDate
            $TimeSpan = [DateTime]$today - [DateTime]$modified
            $age = $TimeSpan.days

            # collects list info and stores in an object            
            $dataWeb = 
                "Type" = "Web"
                "Site" = $site.Url 
                "Web" = $web.Url 
                "List" = "n/a" 
                "ID" = $web.ID 
                "URL" = $web.Url 
                "Title" = $web.Title 
                "Created" = $web.Created 
                "Last Modified" = $web.LastItemModifiedDate
                "Time without update" = $age
            New-Object PSObject -Property $dataWeb | Select "Type", "Site", "Web", "List", "ID", "URL", "Title", "Created", "Last Modified", "Time without update"

I thought about using a CAML query to filter the results and then less items as the result, but I need all items and not just some so I can't really apply a filter to it.

1 Answer 1


You will need to use a CAML query to get a subset of list items and page through the results.

Make sure you set the RowLimit on the query so that you only get a limited number of items at a time. You also need to include an OrderBy clause in your CAML query.

After retrieving the first page of results, set the your query's SPQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition property to the same value as your ListItemCollection's ListItemCollectionPosition property and invoke GetItems() again to get the next page of results.

Example from an MSDN blog:

$web = Get-SPWeb http://portal.sharepoint.com
$list = $web.Lists["LargeList"]

$spQuery = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
$spQuery.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'";
$spQuery.RowLimit = 2000
$caml = '<OrderBy Override="TRUE"><FieldRef Name="ID"/></OrderBy>' 
$spQuery.Query = $caml 

    $listItems = $list.GetItems($spQuery)
    $spQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = $listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition
    foreach($item in $listItems)
        Write-Host $item.Title
while ($spQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition -ne $null)

Miscellaneous Script Suggestions

eliminate redundancy

You don't need to pipe your psobjects created by the new-object psobject lines into the select cmdlet. select (actually an alias for Select-Object) simply creates a new psobject with the specified properties.

further limiting the results

Given your requirements, you may also want to add a Where clause to your CAML query so that you only retrieve items created or modified before/after a certain date. (Although if the Created/Modified fields aren't indexed, that may not work on large lists.) Additionally, each List object has a LastItemModifiedDate property that you can access, and maybe skip querying it depending on your scenario

exporting to CSV

If you want to export the data to Excel, PowerShell has a handy Export-CSV cmdlet that accepts an array of psobjects. Outside the loops, you can create an array using $arr = @(), then within the loop you can append your psobjects to it using $arr += new-object psobject -property $data. Finally, outside the loop, you can export the array to a CSV file using $arr | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path "report.csv".

  • This looks great. I will try it tomorrow and update it here. Just one question, what is the $spQuery.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'" line?
    – ranbo
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 22:56
  • 1
    That determines how the query treats folders. See this answer for an explanation.
    – Thriggle
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 23:12
  • It worked like a charm. And it's way faster. In the dev server(where it ran because of the less amout of documents) its taking at least half the time. I am going to add the where clause, it's a good a idea!
    – ranbo
    Commented Feb 1, 2017 at 13:02
  • 1
    Within the loop, you're constantly overwriting the $data variable with a new hashtable of property values. If you want to see the value that's going into that variable, you could either append that variable to an array and access it later or write it directly to the output, but just trapping it in a variable does neither of those. Since the object created by new-object psobject -property $data | select ... is not being stored in a variable, it gets written directly to the PowerShell output.
    – Thriggle
    Commented Feb 1, 2017 at 16:46
  • 1
    I've folded some of my comments into the answer to keep the comments cleaner.
    – Thriggle
    Commented Feb 1, 2017 at 16:57

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