I have created a dialog with the following code:

function Dialog() {
   var options = {
    url: 'http://mysite/mypage.aspx',
    title: 'My Title',
    allowMaximize: false,
    showClose: true,
    width: 400,
    height: 350,
    dialogReturnValueCallback: RefreshOnDialogClose

   SP.SOD.execute('sp.ui.dialog.js', 'SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog', options);

this dialog works good and after i click save it refreshes the page, but if i click close or cancel it refreshes the page again.

So I want only when the save button is clicked to refresh page, not when close or cancel is pressed.


  • are you using a function at RefreshOnDialogClose should you post it ? Commented Dec 17, 2016 at 12:39
  • No I just wrote it there I don't have any function with that name, perhaps it is in any JS script Commented Dec 17, 2016 at 12:50

2 Answers 2


You can do the following:

 var options = {
    url: 'https://sp2013dev/sites/dev/Shared%20Documents/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=9',
    title: 'My Title',
    allowMaximize: false,
    showClose: true,
    width: 400,
    height: 350,
    dialogReturnValueCallback: function(result){
        if (result == SP.UI.DialogResult.OK) {
        if (result == SP.UI.DialogResult.cancel) {
            //do nothing, modal was closed

   SP.SOD.execute('sp.ui.dialog.js', 'SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog', options);  

Be default RefreshOnDialogClose always reloads.


Try to remove RefreshOnDialogClose and set dialogReturnValueCallback: to a function, and check in this function the dialogResult to refresh on OK only as the following:

 dialogReturnValueCallback: function (dialogResult) {
      if (dialogResult == SP.UI.DialogResult.OK) {

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