I need to create a custom template for SharePoint 2007 wiki pages. With ability to add multiple web parts zones on Wiki Page. Is it possible to do that, as I have read from online that wiki pages in SharePoint have only template file wkpstd.aspx.

I have seen solutions online which use jQuery, javascript and update the core wkpstd.aspx file. But, I cannot do that.

I have read many resources online, but could not find a clear solution yet.



And, many more. But, I could submit only two links as my reputation is below 10.

Thanks Janlester, your post was very helpful.

Now, I have found an resource for defining a wiki template here http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pavankumar/archive/2009/02/25/custom-wiki-site-definition-with-custom-document-template-for-creating-wiki-pages.aspx

Now, I will follow this approach and will get back if I have problems.

Meanwhile please share if you have anything more to add.


2 Answers 2


It is possible to create a custom layout for wiki pages in MOSS 2007, however there is a major drawback: pages created using the layout will be unghosted, which can lead to major performance problems.

We encountered this problem on a project a couple of years ago, and one of my coworkers describes the issue here.

You are basically stuck between accepting the potential performance problems, or modifying the OOTB wkpstd.aspx layout.

  • jonlaster, Can you explain both these steps a. custom content type from wiki type b. custom create wiki page And, in the content type should I also specify my custom wkpstd.aspx template file. Thanks!
    – goso
    Commented Sep 29, 2011 at 14:25

The code example in the url shows wiki pages created from a custom template. http://blog.ideseg.com/2007/sharepoint-destripando-el-wiki-2 (in spanish)

Note, as mentioned by jonlester this approach will always have wiki page unghosted.

nJoy :)


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