I'm using Sharepoint Server 2013 Enterprise.

I have a list with 5 columns: Question, Answer, Facebook, Twitter, Status. All is multiline of text (text plain). I created a Managed Properties with name: "QuestionSearch" that mapping with 4 columns: Question, Answer, Facebook, Twitter.

So when I typed a search text is only 1 word, It works. But when I typed a phrase for search, It only search first word with filter "QuestionSearch" and search everything with other words.

Example: Search text: QuestionSearch:question and result ok with all the items have question word in 4 columns. But with search text: QuestionSearch:question demo The result is search "Question" text in 4 columns and search "demo" text in every columns.

So How do I search only in 4 columns with a phrase?


  • Try with QuestionSearch:"question demo"
    – Marko Tica
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 7:10
  • 1
    @eVT please put that as an answer, not a comment, as it is the correct answer Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 7:33

2 Answers 2


Try with QuestionSearch:"question demo"

That will search all words in that managed property(with mapped 4 columns).

If you search like this QuestionSearch:question demo that space between two words is like "AND" and searching all columns with word "demo"

  • But when I search QuestionSearch:"question demo", It only return the result exact phrase "question demo" and not "question and between demo text". Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 14:29

Try : QuestionSearch:question%2bdemo in query text to get the desired results. Here the space is getting encoded.
You can also use SP Search Query Tool to try and build desired queries.

  • This won't work as that will be counted as two distinct terms and yield the problem OP has outlined. Besides encoding is not required. @eVT provided the correct solution.
    – Bunzab
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 12:31

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