I am working on an issue tracking list and I added two custom fields of type Date/Time which allows date only, as follow:

  • Plan start date.
  • Plan end date.

How can I check that the start date is always less than or equal to end date?

I am seeking a way that will work inside the quick edit grid & inside the built-in create/edit forms ?

1 Answer 1


How you can do this:

  1. Open your list and open the list settings
  2. Select the column "Plan start date"
  3. Under Validation setting type in the below formula :

[Plan start date]<=[Plan end date]

enter image description here

This help you to validate your dates before saving them.

Hope this helps !

  • 1
    worked perfectly
    – John John
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 12:49

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