I keep receiving the following warning email after expanding the site quota.
You are receiving this e-mail message because you are an administrator of the following SharePoint Web site, which has exceeded the warning level for storage: http://sharepoint/. To see how much storage is being taken up by this site, go to the View site collection usage summary: http://sharepoint/_layouts/Usage.aspx.
When I view http://sharepoint/_layouts/Usage.aspx
the page contains no data.
To remedy the error I create a new Site Quota Template with:
Name: Extra Large Collaboration Portal
Max Storage: 200000MB
Warning Email: 180000MB
I assigned the template to the Site Collection.
I've confirmed in the Site Collection Quota and Locks that the template is indeed being used and the current storage is at 139533MB.
Even though my current storage is roughly 40 GB away from the warning level. I still keep receive the warning email.
Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
Site Collection Quota and Locks