I'm trying to get a list of all users that have access to a SharePoint site. This is working, except it's only showing people who have been given direct access and then listing out the "everyone" group - instead of group members:

public List<SPUsersEntity> FetchItems(string siteName)
        PostEvent("Attempting to load users from: " + siteName, BaseExceptionEventArgs.ExceptionLevel.Debug);

        using (var site = new SPSite(siteName))
            using (var web = site.OpenWeb())
                PostEvent("Successfully opened: " + web.Url, BaseExceptionEventArgs.ExceptionLevel.Debug);

                return (from SPUser user in web.Users
                        select LoadItems(   user.Name.ToString(),
    catch (Exception ex)
        PostEvent("Error fetching list of SharePoint Users", BaseExceptionEventArgs.ExceptionLevel.Error, ex);


How can I just get a list of the users that have access to a site - ignoring groups.

1 Answer 1


Use SPWeb.SiteUsers instead of SPWeb.Users. SPWeb.Users gives only those users that have been explicitly granted permissions whereas SPWeb.SiteUsers gives all users of a site collection. See this for more information:http://snahta.blogspot.in/2008/12/users-vs-allusers-vs-siteusers.html

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